• Resultats pour votre recherche policier brésil:


    Sometimes we miss Brazilian cops..


    This man who thinks he can talk any way he wants to a police officer in Brazil, big mistake.


    On November 30, 2023 in São Paulo, Brazil, a dramatic incident occurred. An armed robber broke into the City Hall garage, stealing a school bus with its driver. The police, quickly on the scene, fired on the bus, forcing the vehicle to stop. The thief, exiting the bus with the driver as hostage,...


    On November 20, 2023 in Tatuapé, São Paulo, Brazil, a tragic incident occurred. Paulo Eduardo Ramalho, a 57-year-old retired military policeman, was fatally shot during a supermarket robbery. The incident began when one of the two assailants panicked on discovering a gun on the retired...


    A Brazilian prison officer narrowly escaped a group ofgun-wielding assassins in Rio de Janeiro. As the heavily armed thugs waited for him outside his home, the officer survived with only a gunshot wound to the arm.


    In the heart of Brazilian traffic, a shocking scene unfolded in broad daylight. On Avenida Leitão da Silva and in the streets of Itararé, two suspects were caught in a shootout with police on Monday afternoon (28). Following this violent exchange, Vitória Security reports one fatality and...


    The worst thing that can happen to Brazilian thugs? Running into plainclothes cops, of course! On May 29, 2023, in Guarulhos, São Paulo, two armed thugs tried to steal a motorcycle, unaware that they were attacking police officers. As one of the robbers tried to leave with the motorcycle, a...


    Well, ladies and gentlemen, here's one thing that's not in doubt: our Brazilian plainclothes policemen know how to handle a gun! Imagine two motorcycle gangsters who have, shall we say, chosen the wrong day to get into mischief. Our cops there, they don't mess around. Even when...


    It's a terrifying moment captured on video as a police officer calms a frightened bank manager after gang members kidnapped him from his home and strapped a bomb to his chest during a botched robbery in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. The robbers forced the manager into the bank branch...


    On April 17, 2023, Robson Luciano Tiliman, 37, and Gelson Adriano Tiliman, 39, were shot and killed by a team of five men dressed as police officers. The suspects also stole two cell phones before leaving the home. Police are investigating this murder case in Santa Maria, Brazil.


    Brazilians are hot-blooded and have rhythm in their skin, and even when they "calm down" a little scum, they can't help but dance...


    It is known that the worst thing for a thug in Brazil is to run into an off-duty policeman. This man, armed with a scythe, made the mistake of attacking one of them, and paid with his life. The scene took place last Friday, at the door of a private school, in the district Alto da Graminha, in the...


    For sure, they won't be able to run with broken legs... "But it was accidental, chief!"


    Au Brésil, des policiers filment des voleurs de téléphone en bande organisée .. impressionnant !


    Au Brésil, si tu ne respecte pas le badge, tu respectera le poing. Un homme filmé en train de crier sur des policiers, patients au premier abord, se fait finalement mettre KO par l'un des agents, d'un seul coup de poing. On ne peut que lui souhaiter une bonne nuit.


    Dans les films, on entend souvent les policiers dire :"Non, merci, je ne bois pas en service". Ce ne semble pas être un problème pour ces agents brésiliens.


    Deux braqueurs ont attaqué la supérette d’une station-service et n’ont pas hésité à prendre quelques personnes en otage. Mais parmi les clients, il y avait un policier en civil. Ce dernier a fini par partir à leur poursuite, ouvrant le feu à plusieurs reprises sur les voyous. Au...


    Une équipe d’intervention de la police brésilienne vient d’interpeller un suspect. Visiblement, l’homme se montre récalcitrant et refuse de monter dans le véhicule de police. Excédé, l’un des policiers décide de passer à la vitesse supérieure…


    À São Paulo, des braqueurs ont voulu dépouiller un homme qui garait sa voiture dans un garage. Manque de bol, ils sont tombés sur un policier en civil. Sans se faire prier, il a ouvert le feu sur les malfrats armés. Selon la presse qui rapporte l’affaire, l’un des bandits a été tué.


    Le Brésil est fortement touché par le Coronavirus. Malgré les 150.000 morts causés par la pandémie, certains n’hésitent pas à prendre part à des rassemblements. Dans cette séquence, des clients d’une boîte de nuit se sont retrouvés au petit matin face à des policiers. Ces derniers...


    Les policiers brésiliens tendent un piège à un suspect qui circule à bord de son SUV. Arrivé à une intersection, il se fait prendre en tenaille par deux voitures banalisées. Dans la foulée, deux policiers en descendent et le mettent en joue. En quelques secondes seulement, le suspect se...