A woman, who drives a BMW 2024, has been on welfare for some time to pay her bills, shopping and rent. Until now, she's taken advantage of the system to cover her expenses, but she's just learned that she now has to finance her life herself. The news comes as a shock to her, but reactions are...
At a Taco Bell in Los Angeles, a customer refused to leave despite the demands of a security guard. She went to place her order on an automated kiosk while the agent watched her. Suddenly, he approached her, positioned himself opposite her and slapped her hard across the face. Alejandro Sanchez,...
A 24-year-old Afghan drove into a crowd at a trade union demonstration in Munich, injuring at least 30 people, including children. Two victims are between life and death. Anti-terror police are investigating what appears to be a deliberate attack. Identified as Farhad Noori, he reportedly...
No puns here, just watch this video to the end.
Santiago Bourdieu, 28, rugby player and sports coach, attempted a jump from the Spitting Cave cliffs in Hawaii on Saturday. In a video filmed by a witness, we see him gain momentum before throwing himself into the void. But instead of reaching the water, he falls straight against the rock face, a...
A weightlifter almost had a serious accident when he attempted a bench press with his petite wife as his only helper. As soon as he started to weaken, she came running, but was clearly no match for the bar..
In Layton, Utah, a driver narrowly escaped an accident after reacting badly on a level crossing. His SUV became stuck on the tracks after being pushed by another car when the safety gates lowered. Rather than move forward or force the rear barrier, he tried to back up and got stuck. Just before...
A video circulating online shows a cab driver in Egypt using Google Translate to harass a Chinese tourist. The man asks her via the app if she wants to go to his place. She immediately replies, "No, never, don't even think about it." He insists that she's "a beautiful woman" and even tries to...
2 French influencers, feliccia and freebala, fought with Thai hairdressers to avoid paying for a service they found unsatisfactory. The bill came to 1000 baht, or 30 euros.
A woman in Brazil experienced a terrifying moment while quietly doing her shopping. Her Motorola Moto E32, stowed in her back pocket, suddenly exploded, instantly igniting her pants. The surveillance cameras show the scene: she is walking normally, then her pocket catches fire. Panicked, she...
On Sunday evening, a man tried to attack a priest with a knife at Holy Ghost Parish in Winnipeg, Canada. The scene, captured on film, shows the man advancing towards the altar, accelerating, then attempting to grab the priest. The priest manages to escape unharmed. The man then plunges his knife...
From a boat, passengers film an intense fight between two wild bears. At first, one of them appears to be in trouble, as if about to be killed. The two animals grapple violently, biting and trying to dominate the other. Eventually, the darker-coated bear loses its fighting spirit and seems to...
On federal highway 45D between Zacatecas and Aguascalientes, an onboard camera filmed a terrible accident involving a semi-trailer and five trucks. Two people were killed and five injured, two of them critically. The video shows the violence of the collision, but one question remains unanswered:...
An 80-ton bomb explodes underground, killing Hassan Nasrallah. It happened in September 2024, but the video was released a few days ago.
A 54-year-old man tried to evade a checkpoint at the Dutch-German border near Bad Nieuweschans and Bunde. Bad idea: the German police opened fire, perforating the bodywork of his vehicle, with around twenty hits on the hood alone. After a pursuit, he was arrested. His vehicle was seized, and a...
On a busy street, a young man simply asks girls if they want to kiss him, and their reaction may surprise you ....
Lil Golo, an Australian influencer known for his stunts, tried to run through 1,000 strips of adhesive tape. Bad idea: he knocked himself out and ended up in hospital. He said he was considering stopping such challenges after this incident. We don't know exactly what injuries he sustained, but he...