A guy arrives to buy cannabis but asks the wrong person: a policeman from the Bac. Oops.
A man tried a rather strange approach at Miami airport. To avoid buying a second plane ticket, he wrapped himself in green plastic and tried to check in as a single piece of luggage. The scene was filmed and shows the man lying on the conveyor belt, waiting to be picked up as a suitcase. It's not...
It sounds like a sketch: An agitated man starts causing trouble in a store. Without hesitation, an employee grabs a bag of ice and throws it straight at him. The blow is precise: the man immediately collapses, stopped dead in his tracks, and prefers to run away.
Conor McGregor is at it again. A video surfaced on Monday showing him reacting to a fan who called out to him, shouting "Let's go, Khabib!". The former champion didn't ignore him: he spat in his face before shouting, in a provocative tone, "I spat in your face, what did you do... nothing.". The...
A man experienced an unusual arrest in Fort McMurray, Canada. After a bar fight, he found himself on the ground, but with an added problem: his penis stuck to the frozen floor. During the altercation with security, his pants fell down, exposing everything. Clearly annoyed by the mockery, he was...
The Eagles' victory degenerated in Philadelphia. On Frankford and Cottman avenues, a man fired a gun into the air, prompting police to open an investigation. The mayor called for calm: "Don't let a celebration turn tragic". At 15th and Market, a man attempting to take down a flag fell from a...
It's time to go home for this business owner, but closing up store isn't that simple..
In Wangaratta on Saturday evening, two men tried to set fire to a car in front of a house on Swinburne Drive. Their plan went awry: after pouring a flammable liquid near the vehicle, the flames took them by surprise. One rolled on the ground to extinguish the fire, while the other, engulfed in...
Some petty scum try to prevent the police from gaining access to a scene, and the reaction of the police is both immediate and masterful LOL
It was all over for the crook when the cowboy took off his glasses.
On an escalator, two men argue, and one asks the other to join him on the other side..
Go figure, he seems to care a lot about this cart.
Jake Brown, 23, shot Kevin Pokuta, 19, whom he mistook for cannabis dealers he had tried to rob earlier. Pokuta's younger brother, Dominik, was also in the car but was not injured. Jake Brown was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, with a minimum sentence of 36 years. Three other men were...
An angry woman tries to push a firefighter who was fishing in a lake, after reading BlueSky publications, insisting that women are just as strong as men.
A brave 55-year-old shopkeeper managed to disarm a robber in her grocery store in Russia. The 46-year-old man entered the store with an air rifle, threatening the woman who managed to get him to hand over his mask and gun through a struggle. She is seen grabbing the rifle and pushing the hapless...
A thrill-seeker has again made his presence felt by crashing his dirt bike into a police car. The rider, who was performing acrobatics while riding on the rear wheel, ended up losing control and colliding with the police vehicle. What makes this scene even funnier is that it's apparently not his...
An attempt to defraud the peaceful Russian village of Spassk. A lady wanted to be hit lightly by a truck to extort money, but nothing went according to plan. First, a surveillance camera captured the whole scene. Secondly, the truck braked too late, causing it to fall sharply. The incident...
The town of Badalona, close to Barcelona, recently witnessed a memorable scene. In the toilets of a local bar, a bearded man in a leather jacket got carried away, playing hard to get. However, the situation took an unexpected turn: he ended up tasting his own medicine. In no time at all, his...