Father burns to death in front of his home Webchoc.com
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    Father burns to death in front of his home

    On December 30, Jai Brebner, a father and bricklayer from Baldivis, near Perth, was doused in petrol and set on fire with a blowtorch after a brief altercation with two men he knew. He suffered burns to 60% of his body and remains in critical condition. The suspects, armed with a blowtorch and small axes, then broke into his home before fleeing. The two men, arrested and charged, will appear in court in February. A GoFundMe campaign is supporting his family.


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    • myosine Signaler  

      perso, je tergiverse pas, peine de mort pour ceux qui lui ont fait ça.

      17/01/2025 à 08:13:43
      • malomarie  Signaler  

        Sans même savoir ce qu'il avait éventuellement fait à leur petite sœur ?

        20/01/2025 à 15:36:04

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