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    Muslim man beats his wife in Algeria: police officer finds her probably guilty

    In Algeria, a woman was physically abused by her husband in broad daylight. A police officer present at the scene refused to intervene, suggesting that she deserved it. This situation highlights the problem of how the police deal with domestic violence in a country where Islam is both the majority and the state religion. A video of this incident, which prompts reflection on the protection of women in Algeria, has been recorded.

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    • Trevilain Signaler  

      Le futur de la france.

      14/05/2024 à 18:07:25
      • majorcrisis  Signaler  

        Le futur est déjà là.

        14/05/2024 à 18:17:50
    • befumo007 Signaler  


      14/05/2024 à 19:31:11
    • Bafff Signaler  

      et dire que des françaises se convertissent hahahaha

      21/05/2024 à 19:35:53
    • arakrichna Signaler  

      Si j'étais le flic, j'aurai fais pareil.

      Le mari est moustachu, est un moustachu, faut pas jouer avec.

      C'est des ouf.

      23/05/2024 à 00:26:25

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