McGregor spits at a fan who provokes him in public
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    McGregor spits at a fan who provokes him in public

    Conor McGregor is at it again. A video surfaced on Monday showing him reacting to a fan who called out to him, shouting "Let's go, Khabib!". The former champion didn't ignore him: he spat in his face before shouting, in a provocative tone, "I spat in your face, what did you do... nothing.". The scene, filmed, is circulating widely online.

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    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      C'est vraiment un dechet ce type

      04/02/2025 à 17:37:51
    • PetitChoc Signaler  

      C'est vraiment un dechet ce type

      04/02/2025 à 17:37:54
    • myosine Signaler  

      pour une fois, il a l'air sobre ! c'est fou ce que ce type attire la haine alors qu'il était adulé autrefois.

      07/02/2025 à 17:07:36

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