An elephant causes panic at a festival in India
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    An elephant causes panic at a festival in India

    In Kerala's Malappuram district, an elephant caused panic at a festival, injuring at least 17 people, one of them seriously. The animal, adorned with golden plates, was parading with other elephants when it suddenly became agitated. Despite the mahout's efforts to calm him down, the elephant charged the crowd. In the chaos, it threw a man into the air, leaving him in a critical condition. The general panic also resulted in injuries. It took two hours to subdue the animal with chains.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      qu'est ce que fait un éléphant dans cet environnement bruyant, lumineux et agressif ?

      10/01/2025 à 07:43:46
      • okaj  Signaler  

        et les fans ?

        10/01/2025 à 19:52:26

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