A policewoman on horseback crashes into a billboard and demands 250,000 euros in damages Webchoc.com
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    A policewoman on horseback crashes into a billboard and demands 250,000 euros in damages

    PC Nicky Vernon, 47, was seriously injured at a Black Lives Matter protest in London in 2020, when she was thrown from her horse after a protester threw objects. Her horse, 14-year-old Rocky, bolted, throwing her against a traffic light. She suffered a collapsed lung, a broken collarbone and broken ribs, and spent eight days in hospital. She is now suing the Metropolitan Police for negligence, claiming over 250,000 euros, accusing the force of exposing her to foreseeable risk.

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    • Trevilain Signaler  

      C'est les blackos qui devraient payer.

      08/01/2025 à 17:31:54
      • okaj  Signaler  

        non ,il a brulé le feu rouge

        10/01/2025 à 19:41:28

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