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    They steal a €400,000 Rolls-Royce in seconds

    In an area of Aveley in Essex, a gang of thieves stole a Rolls-Royce Cullinan, valued at £350,000 (€400,000), using a high-tech device. The scene, filmed by the owner's surveillance camera, shows one of the thieves using an antenna to pick up the signal from the car's key, enabling them to disarm the vehicle's security system. Essex Police are investigating the theft, which occurred at 4.10am, but no arrests have yet been made and the car has not been recovered. This type of theft, involving keyless vehicles, is on the increase in the UK.

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      Toujours garer sa bagnole ou son vélo à côté d'un truc plus cher.

      06/12/2023 à 23:43:56

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