• Sexy

    Je me demande comment réagit cette femme en voyant celle-ci dans la rue ... 


    Things happen so fast sometimes... but letting a kid touch your face is never a good idea!


    70 pics, a real pleasure for the eyes!

    Porno Vip

    Je n'ia jamais voulu tester la colocation, mais ce genre de vidéo me fait clairement regretter ce choix ! Cette cochonne ouverte ne dit pas non lorsqu'un autre mec les rejoint au lit, et elle se fait alors empaler par deux queues en même temps !


    "What are you doing ?", we can hear the friend of the nervous boy say, once he has been calmed down... This employee was only defending himself ;)


    In the ocean, a shark is trapped in a cage that is supposed to allow safe underwater exploration... Well, almost. Watch the video until the end.


    Confronted by pedophile hunters, this man who gave a rendezvous to a 13 year old boy literally flips out: After fleeing screaming like a child, he gets behind the wheel of his car, and hits everything in his path ....


    Oops, the ribbon was a key part of this bridge!


    After that, he can go play the lottery...

    Porno Vip

    Parce qu'il n'arrive pas à satisfaire sa partenaire, ce pauvre gars choisit de lui faire plaisir en acceptant qu'elle se fasse baiser par un pro du sexe. Et là, il n'y a rien à re-dire; que ce soit au niveau de la taille, ou de l'endurance, madame est comblée !


    Well, of course, like everything on TikTok, it's real...


    The only thing left to do is to throw away the pipe...


    Certainly following a gas leak, the salon of this hairdresser explodes when he starts the hair dryer ... Let's hope that his customer will be ok !


    En Espagne, deux malfrats (qui seraient des migrants) battent et poignardent un passant pour lui voler sa trottinette électrique. 


    A gun doesn't scare her...

    Porno dingue

    Testing the IQ of a gun buyer would be a good thing...


    Some people don't value life that much...




    After stopping at a highway rest stop, these tourists traveling in France discover that their personal belongings are gone, and in their place are two migrants in their roof box. Shocked and frightened to discover that their car has been invaded, and their personal belongings thrown away, the...


    The explosion of a chemical plant in Tianjin, China never ceases to impress these spectators...


    For sure, they won't be able to run with broken legs... "But it was accidental, chief!"