In Neijiang, China, a boy lit a firecracker and threw it into a canal. Methane gas, accumulated due to the sewage system, immediately exploded. The explosion lifted a manhole cover, overturned a parked car and damaged several other vehicles. One woman narrowly escaped the blast. Fortunately, no one was injured. The police intervened, arrested the child and contacted his parents. Authorities are currently assessing the damage caused by the incident.
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j'aimerais bien savoir comment les chinois gèrent ça ensuite avec le responsable et ses parents. Je doute qu'ils soient aussi laxistes qu'en occident où le gamin risque une remontrance et c'est tout.
02/02/2025 à 10:40:56Heu c'est une dictature la Chine.
05/02/2025 à 09:25:52
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