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    Drunk soccer fan hits police on easyJet flight

    A drunk passenger on an easyJet flight from Edinburgh to Antalya sparked a brawl by punching police officers and other passengers. The incident occurred after the visibly tipsy man, who had consumed a bottle of vodka, was called a "disgrace" by another fan. The crew had previously confiscated his vodka. Violence erupted towards the end of the flight, captured on video, showing passengers and staff attempting to subdue the assailant. Children present were reassured by other travelers as the commotion continued. Staff finally managed to remove the man from the plane.

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    • myosine Signaler  

      ça me rappelle l'histoire d'un (excellent) artilleur russe, le lieutenant Bezdidko, à qui on a voulu confisqué la ration de vodka car il trichait sur les morts de son unité (il les déclarait pas pour recevoir plus de ration de vodka... c'était pendant la guerre de stalingrad...) et qui a tout simplement tiré derrière ses lignes, sur l'entrepot de Vodka. Il est resté en vie uniquement car il venait d'être décoré par Staline.

      22/04/2024 à 17:53:18
    • Babybel Signaler  

      Un footeux quoi...

      22/04/2024 à 20:27:39

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