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    He is mowed down on the freeway while trying to stop other vehicles (Warning - shocking)

    In the morning, on the Fahaheel expressway near Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital, a serious accident occurred. Following a collision between two cars, a young Indian got out of his damaged vehicle to try to cross the road and stop other cars. Unfortunately, he was hit by a car driven by a Portuguese man and then crushed by another vehicle, causing his death. Emergency services confirmed his death on the spot. The Indian had recently arrived in Kuwait on a visitor's visa. Following this incident, an investigation into manslaughter was opened and the Portuguese driver was questioned and subsequently released.

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    • grostordu Signaler  

      Putain, mais il le cherche aussi ce con !

      01/11/2023 à 17:46:41
      • bodusboub  Signaler  

        Karma... selection naturelle.. etc

        02/11/2023 à 19:49:01

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